Gordon Bernard, MD is the Executive Vice President for Clinical Research at VUMC with 35+ years of experience as a translational scientist and Intensive Care physician. He is ideally positioned to lead this initiative, having overseen multiple international clinical trials, and having moved therapies to regulatory approval and real-world use. He is a leading investigator on multiple trials in Zambia. Dr. Bernard is experienced in successfully repurposing medicines including ibuprofen and N-acetylcysteine (both on EML) and leads VUMC’s repurposing program. Dr. Bernard is a compassionate and caring physician and exemplifies the servant leadership necessary for overseeing this program.

Jill Pulley, MBA is the Executive Director of the Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research where she has overseen the development, implementation, and ongoing management of research initiatives that have transformed the way research is conducted at Vanderbilt and other institutions. Ms. Pulley has over 25 years of experience in healthcare management and research, which she will bring to Remedi’s administrative management. Ms. Pulley serves as the primary contact for this program: jill.pulley@vumc.org

Devi Sridhar, PhD is Professor at the University of Edinburgh where she holds a Personal Chair in Global Public Health. She is the Founding Director of the Global Health Governance Programme and holds a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award, which supports a collaborative group analyzing the impact of the World Bank on the creation and implementation of global health policy. She has extensive experience in global health governance, particularly the interface of global health institutions with national and non-governmental organizations. Dr. Sridhar collaborates closely with researchers, Ministries of Foreign Affairs, and Ministries of Health in LMICs, which is essential for Remedi.

Robert Wallis, MD, FIDSA, FRCP(E) is the Chief Science Officer of the AURUM Institute, where he leads development of tuberculosis and HIV biomedical research programs funded by the Gates Foundation, the German Ministry of Education and Research, and the NIH. Dr. Wallis is internationally recognized for his research on the treatment of tuberculosis, most recently spearheading the repurposing of N-acetylcysteine (on EML) for tuberculosis in Tanzania. His career has included full-time university faculty appointments and positions in the pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Wallis brings rich experience in managing studies in LMICs among vulnerable and marginalized populations, as planned in this program.
International, Trans-Institutional Leadership

Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research