We are conducting a study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the oral carnitine supplement, levocarnitine in treating the symptoms of dry eye in Sjogren’s syndrome. Levocarnitine is approved by the FDA for treating primary and secondary carnitine deficiency, but is considered investigational for the purposes of this study.
This study consists of a phone screening call and 4 study visits over the course of 14 weeks at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. This is a crossover study so you will be assigned both levocarnitine and placebo one after the other at study visits 1 and 3 while labs will be drawn and tears collected at each visit. All materials will be provided to you should you choose to participate in this study. INTERESTED? Contact the study coordinator Jon Williams, PhD by email at jon.williams@vumc.org or phone (615-875-9200).
Study Qualifications

Compensation will be provided for your time.